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Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Trump Has Four Main Options for Stopping North Korean Missiles

Kim Jong Un became the first head of state to grab President-elect Donald Trump’s attention in 2017, after the North Korean leader said he was close to test-firing a missile capable of hitting the continental U.S.

“It won’t happen!” Trump retorted on Monday on Twitter, a platform he frequently uses to weigh in on global and domestic affairs.

Still, Trump gave no specifics on how he’d actually do that. Presidents from Bill Clinton to George H. W. Bush to Barack Obama have failed to stop North Korea moving closer to gaining the capability to strike the U.S. with a nuclear weapon. That leaves the incoming president facing what is potentially the biggest challenge yet from the reclusive regime in Pyongyang.

“Trump has yet to look deeply into the North Korean conundrum, and when he does he’ll realize there are only two choices: hit them or talk to them,” said Park Hwee-rhak, head of the Graduate School of Politics and Leadership at Seoul’s Kookmin University. “No matter what you do, Kim will never give up his nuclear missile development. Thinking otherwise is belying reality.”

Here are four options that Trump may consider to make good on his statement.

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